Marshall Goldsmith
Tel 858.759.0950

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Coaching to Change Leadership Behavior

Marshall Goldsmith is consistently rated as one of the top executive educators and coaches in the world. In recent years, Marshall's work has been featured in a New Yorker profile, a Harvard Business Review interview, and a Business Strategy Review cover story. Marshall currently heads Marshall Goldsmith Partners, a joint venture between Marshall and Katzenbach Partners LLC. He is the author or editor of over 20 books including the Business Week "Top 15" bestseller The Leader of the Future.

Coaching approach

As a leadership coach and executive educator, Marshall Goldsmith's mission is to help successful leaders achieve a positive change in behavior: for themselves, their people and their teams.

His coaching engagement always invoke the same general approach. First, he obtains an agreement with his coaching clients and their managers on two key variables: (1) What are the key behaviors that will make the biggest positive change in increased leadership effectiveness? (2) Who are the key stakeholders that should determine (one year later) if this change has occurred? Second, Marshall is paid only after his coaching clients have achieved a positive change in those key leadership behaviors as determined by those key stakeholders.

Since it is impossible to change the behavior of a successful adult who has no interest in changing, he will only work with executives who are willing to make a sincere effort to change and who believe this change will help them become better leaders. In turn, organizations only hire Marshall to work with leaders who are seen as potentially having a great future in the corporation.